Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bollywood Takes on He-Man
Mustache! Who are you man? Why are you here? Do you make any sense at all or are you the only logical thing in the universe? I don't know!
Warning this is not safe for work. It is not safe for human sight. Do not I repeat Do Not watch Robogeisha. It is only the most awesomely retarded movie in the history of bad ideas. It is everything Transformers 2 wanted to be with the aid of an extra dose of incredible. Every scene in this trailer is awesome incarnate. Except the one with the girl spraying blood out of her but and the shrimp eye stabbing bit. Those aren't so much awesome as kinda disturbing and wrong. Then the giant robot building from space shows up and AWESOME! ensues.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
How Often Do We Get Video Evidence of a Darwin Award
Remember you don't have to die you "only" have to lose the ability to reproduce in order to qualify. Warning: language and severe nut shot with fireworks violence.
It's kinda like Michael Bay directs "Man Getting Hit By Football"
It's kinda like Michael Bay directs "Man Getting Hit By Football"
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Moon Truck
So apparently this is very old news, but, NASA is sending men back to the moon. We must have finally figured out how to get at all the cheese. Like that comment! This is the cool new space type gear stuff for the 2020 moon mission. At least according to Telstar Logistics.
The most exciting new zombie movie since Shaun of the Dead. Mostly for the little zombie kill of the week segment. I for one am big on the zombies cannot run rule. Generally to the tune of, I don't care what you call the movie if they can run they are not zombies. I might give this one a pass if it can contain that much awesome over it's full length. Oh the link.
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Girl Who Does Not Age
Brooke Greenberg, a sixteen year old girl who could be, and often is, mistaken for a sixteen month old girl. She has failed to grow or measurably age in all this time. Movie clip is overly simplistic and fails to provide any interesting information or relevant context. Also too much emphasis on the whole "quest for immortality" thing. Give it up guys if King Arthur couldn't find the grail you aren't going to either. Still weird kid.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
An Interesting Way to Compete With ADSL
Can pigeons compete with standard information exchange techniques? Turns out they can. By attaching small flash cards to pigeons and sending them over long distances they can transmit large quantities of data faster than cables. There are some difficulties in this data transmission system. Including incompatibility with windows, difficulty in interacting with cat 5 or any other cat in around the pigeons and disagreements with the linux penguins. Great project though.
See Mike Draw
I don't know about the rest of his comics. This one would make a great reality TV show.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Remember Freakazoid? That Guy was a Superhero.
In much the same way that The Tick was a villain or Spiderman came from Krypton.
Photonic Fence: Killing Insects with Lasers.
The Wall Street Journal, which is boring, wrote this article about an awesomely amazing plan to identify mosquitoes by frequency and then shoot them with lasers. It's brilliant giant frickin' lasers killing stupid evil vampire bugs. All based on the abandoned "Star Wars" project. I hope they start mounting the system in little portable spheres. Kinda "Death Star" shaped laser cannons for the defense of picnickers and campers the world over. Also to combat malaria.
Electric Coin Shrinking Machine
Exactly what it says on the tin. A capacitor powered machine that generates massive magnetic fields powerful enough to shrink a quarter down to the size of a dime. With an electric powered explosion. The high speed videos are particularly awesome as they show clearly that it is the magnetic field compressing the coin not the explosion that actually causes it to shrink.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
In the Spirit of Achievement Unlocked,
Comes Upgrade Complete the game wherein you have to upgrade everything. The shop includes such luxuries as the game menu, sound fx and even the load screen. All must be bought and paid for. Fortunately cash is easy to come by.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Star Wars? What have you done?
It's like awesome and stupid in a blender ripping both into tiny ruined shreds of weirdness and terrible jokes. On the other hand you have different fingers.
Modern Pirate Ship
So apparently this is what pirate ships look like these days. I like the old ones more. This new thing is kinda crappy.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Charlie the Unicorn
Not anything special I had never previously encountered this video before. Wherein Charlie the unicorn meets Rick Astley. Or however you spell his last name. Clearly I just don't have the patience to spend a tenth of the time it took to write this in order to google the man's name. Anyway Charlie the Unicorn.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Do the Earth's Oceans Create the Magnetic Field
The study described by this IOP article suggests that the conductive salt water in the oceans could be an alternate explanation for the existence of the Earth's magnetic field. With the power source being the tides and therefor the moon. I doubt it. But, on the other hand nothing on Earth is a simple single piece system and the oceans are a constantly moving conductive fluid. This could certainly be an explanation for part of how the north and south poles are constantly migrating. For less condensed linkage here is the article address in full: http://www.iop.org/News/news_35352.html
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Happily I Qualify For Some of These
I am of course writing of the SCIENCE SCOUTS. I feel their ought to be an exclamation point after SCIENCE. Anyway, the scout badges for scientists and those who think or act like them. I should be delighted to hear the many tales of adventure and daring do performed by anyone person who has all of these. In particular because of the contradictions that would impose.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Immature Quantum Entendre
Okay this is probably not safe for work, definitely NSF liberal arts majors and amazingly immature, childish and silly. Like the sort of thing you're supposed to get out of your system in your teens. The Unified Quantum Theory of the Sexual Interaction. Because someone somewhere couldn't get the idea that "exited states" or "stimulated emission" could be mistaken for something dirty out of their head.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Worst Day Ever?
Why So Serious?
Nanotube Supercapacitors
The world has been waiting for the electric car for over a century. In the beginning these cars had many wonderful advantages over a hydrocarbon fuel propelled vehicle. With only one major distinct disadvantage: range. Even the newest and best electric car can only travel a couple of hundred kilometers before requiring an eight hour stop to recharge. This makes them perfectly functional for a day to day use for someone who only drives to work and back with maybe a couple of stops. Said person still needs a gas powered vehicle for any unplanned or long range trips. Leading everyone to wonder why have an electric car when a small regular car can perform that same function plus be actually useful. The cause of this most prominent problem is batteries. Hydrocarbons are an amazing energy storage medium just fantastic. Batteries on the other hand. Hold only limited supplies, charge slowly and wear out quite quickly. Add to that the idea that battery weight does not diminish with power drain and the idea of using electricity to power any portable system seems odd. The answer has always been capacitors. The problem there is that capacitance is proportional to surface area. Meaning that any viable capacitor with enough power to be useful in a car would be larger than said car and far to heavy to move. Hence carbon nanotubes with the power of smallness and the ability to have a massive surface are to size ratio. The ability to actually build a useful capacitor means a nigh instantaneous charging which is all the car really needs. Imagine pulling into the station plugging the car in and having it charge faster than it would normally fill with gas. Even only having an effective range of three hundred km wouldn't be to bad. Anyway these capacitors are the goal at present for one Joel Schindall, Ph.D. at MIT. The outline for his project is here (pdf).
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Is the new MMORPG by Bioware due out sometime in the near future. It manages to look amazing. As a Bioware game it will be polished and delightful to play. Bioware is one of few companies to consistently make a good game. But, it's an MMORPG which means it is going to be chock full of the sort of people who play WOW. It's going to cost x per month to play. And worst of all it is only going to be useful to people who can devote hours per day of every day to playing it. I post this for the trailer and so I can say that if the minds behind this and the KOTOR games had made the new trilogy episodes I-III would have been better than the original trilogy.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Class of Nuke Em High
The movie itself can be viewed here. Class of Nuke Em High is a true classic in the bad low budget horror movie genre. A genre defined by the lack of actual horror and a devotion to strange monsters. Like many in this special breed of movie the director tacks certain pains to insist that we see the special effects failure that is this creature far more often than any sane man would. It has a plot that can only barely be described. I will make no effort to detail the plot here. It isn't very good and this film isn't really about telling a story or making any sense so the plot description would be both long and painful. The true beauty here is the moral at the end. This movie has a clear message: Teenagers who live in a pit of radioactive ooze should not have sex after smoking a plutonium enriched joint. I don't know why anyone thought this particular message needed to be brought to the general attention of the world. Anyways enjoy, it's better with a friend and please talk during the movie. Talking makes the movie harder to hear and that is a good thing.
Bad Astronomy Blog

So a long time ago I discovered a website called bad astronomy. No links google it if you want it. Now it is a blog; here. I could just re post every third article or so. I say that now because I have a hard time disagreeing with today's sentiment. This photo looks remarkably like martian space penguins. Sadly it is just regular penguins under the antarctic ice. Still an awesome photo. source: http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photos/best-pod-may-09.html
Totally Not in Season
So I just discovered "Loading Ready Run" this may or may not be the first time I have just discovered them. That particular possibility is the entire point of the existence of this blog. I post a link to one of the halloween episodes "Trick or DOOM" Wherein Canadianman totally makes life inconvenient for some villain.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Lunar Surface
In 2007 a Japanese space probe began to orbit the moon. In one of those brilliant moves not available to NASA of the late 60's JAXA mounted high definition cameras on its spacecraft. This is actual footage of the lunar surface taken sometime this year.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Oh the Sixties...
How we love to make fun of you. A video subtitling some random guy at that big sixties concert thing no one seems to shut up about, with what it sounds like he is saying. It's not so much clever as remarkably accurate and subtitle jokes are always funny. What with the moose and all.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Physics on Electric Cars and the Hydrogen Fuel Cell
In the world of physics things like the environment are taken fairly seriously. I feel I need to point that out because I am often against most of the "environmentally friendly" things in this world. But, as a counter point I offer this review of the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car. From http://www.intuitor.com/moviephysics/. I am not against environmentally friendly ideas; I am against bad ideas. Especially bad ideas that have been rushed through because comic book science makes them sound like a solution. Remember in the real world gamma rays do not transform you into the incredible hulk.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Impossible Puzzle
The Wikipedia Page.The Solution: X=4, Y=13
The Puzzle itself:
Given are X and Y, two integers, greater than 1, are not equal, and their sum is less than 100. S and P are two mathematicians; S is given the sum X+Y, and P is given the product X*Y of these numbers.
- P says "I cannot find these numbers."
- S says "I was sure that you could not find them."
- P says "Then, I found these numbers."
- S says "If you could find them, then I also found them."
What are these numbers?
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Look Around You
Ever had to sit through a video in school? Ever wonder how anything that pathetic could be transformed into pure awesome? Me neither.
Where's Waldo Bourne Parody
Because there are rumors going around that someone is actually trying to make a live action Waldo movie. The very definition of a bad idea.
Bourne Parody - watch more funny videos
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Guild
Joss Whedon the man behind the Buffy series and Firefly created Dr. Horribles Sing along Blog. The girl is played by one Felicia Day. Who is in a large part behind the creation of another episodic web series called The Guild. A brilliant parody of the culture of the World Of Warcraft.
One Does not Simply Walk into Mordor
Well yes in fact you do you totally do. If one wishes to be picky in ones description of these things one spends a lot of time wandering around in the rocks and the marsh and then spends a fair bit of time climbing a mountain/staircase. But, you aren't flying or riding robot dinosaur ninjas into Mordor. Oh the link providing the reason for this post.
Instant adventure gaming
The joys of the old sierra games. In particular the quest games. Games, to use the word again, that I never actually played growing up as my first computer was far to primitive and my next was a mac. Nonetheless I rather enjoyed "Peasants Quest" and these seem to have been more intensive versions of the same. So blah blah blah you can now play the old quests in your browser with a billion other hapless adventurers at http://sarien.net/.
A complicated piece of music
The Fairie's Aire and Death Waltz: http://www.well.com/user/bryan/waltz.html.
Be sure to check out the comments throughout. I am a huge fan of the "Balance chair on two legs" and "Moon-walk" portions as I feel both those actions are essential to the playing of any waltz.
Eyeborg Phase 2
A simple story about a man who lost his eye and is now planning to mount a camera in its place. A fantastic example of bionic engineering, people with strange taste and some of the worst video editing in human history.
Eyeborg Phase II from eyeborg on Vimeo.
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